국내 온라인 서비스 품질 연구에 관한 종합적 고찰: 2001-2021년의 연구를 중심으로
박현아, 이청림, 이유재
This paper presents an integrative overview of recent studies on online service quality published in major Korean journals from 2001 to 2021. To conduct this review, we examined articles in KCI(Korea Citation Index) accredited journals related to business administration in the DBpia and KISS databases, which provide academic content database services. We conducted a search in these databases for papers using four keywords as titles: ‘online service quality,’ ‘internet service quality,’ ‘e-service quality,’ and ‘website service quality.’ Consequently, we selected 49 articles published in 5 prominent academic journals, ‘Korean Management Review,’ ‘Korean Journal of Marketing,’ ‘Journal of the Korea Service Management Society,’ ‘The e-business Studies,’ and ‘Journal of Marketing Management Research. ’These journals have published influential and significant studies on the topic of online service quality.
To conduct a critical review of online service quality research, we thoroughly analyzed the studies in terms of conceptualization and measurement, causal relations in the research model, and other pertinent issues. In the section focusing on conceptualization and measurement, we examined how online service quality is defined and measured. In the section on the causal relations of online service quality, we investigated whether online service quality is considered as an antecedent, mediator, or consequence in the research model. Additionally, we explored the antecedents and consequences of online service quality. Furthermore, we introduced comparative studies and measurement models of online service quality. Finally, we discuss the major findings of recent research, provide implications for future research on online service quality, and highlight the limitations of this study.